We will be offering an in-person worship in the sanctuary at 10am on Easter morning where we will gather together and be led in worship as we view the pre-recorded service projected on the screen in the sanctuary. The service will also be available online for those who prefer to watch from their homes. We hope you will be able to join us!
There is a limit of 75 people who will be able to attend the in-person service so you will need to sign up ahead of time by clicking below or on the RSVP tab. In addition, we will be checking you in as you arrive and you will need to remain masked throughout the service and sit socially distanced in designated seating areas. We are not having a live worship team or recording team present out of concern for several who are still at risk and who have not been vaccinated and who are vital to making the service happen. But we wanted to offer some options for Easter Sunday for those who are feeling safe. As to in-person services after Easter, we are in the process of taking care of what needs to happen in order to re-open in a way that our online services can take place in conjunction with our in-person services and that our volunteers and staff are safe. Session will announce those starting dates after Easter.