Dress warmly and come join us for an evening of Christmas carols in the La Habra Hills Presbyterian church parking lot! BYO coffee or cocoa, and everyone will be given a safely prepared bag of Christmas cookies. You can join for the whole hour or any part. We'll stay socially distanced, yet enjoy the chance to be together as we celebrate the true meaning of the Christmas season. You may enjoy the carols out under the stars, or stay in your car if you'd feel more comfortable. Feel free to bring chairs or a blanket for your family if you'd like. Mask should be worn unless you are actively eating or drinking. From your phone you can find the carol lyrics on the church web site.
Sign up to volunteer here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe8JS8afuQ49TCVTY2ncur4bNzK5QQJvCigvt_-OupuZL1htg/viewform?usp=sf_link